Gender Pay Report


AdviserPlus is committed to equal opportunity in recruitment and employment irrespective of gender. Our people are paid for the role they have in the team and for their performance in that role. No other factors affect an employee’s remuneration.

AdviserPlus has a gender pay gap which, at 20.5%, is above the national average of 17.9%. This gender pay gap is mainly attributed to the nature of the work that most people at AdviserPlus undertake.

Two-thirds of people in AdviserPlus (67%) are engaged in roles that deliver HR advice and guidance and only a minority of these roles are in the upper pay quartile. Additionally, 83% of the Advisory roles are held by women. The HR profession has traditionally seen high concentrations of female practitioners and indeed 79% of the membership of the HR profession’s independent body, the Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development (CIPD), is female*. AdviserPlus has had a long-term commitment to offer part-time and flexible working to all employees to promote a healthy work/life balance which is also a contributing factor.

The last year has been one of change for AdviserPlus, with a new CEO and significant investment in new roles within our Business Development, Sales & Marketing and Business Systems teams. Our ability to identify talent for effective succession planning into senior roles has been enhanced by the refining of our objective setting process enabling everyone, regardless of gender, to have a clear view of the pathway toward roles in the upper pay quartile. However, there is no quick-fix to our gender pay gap and it will take time to see the effectiveness of the actions we have taken and plan to take, coming through.

A review of our recruitment processes, including the language used in job descriptions and job adverts, will support our aim to attract a more diverse range of applicants across the organisation and especially into our Advisory roles. In addition, our in-house HR Academy will support the development of employees, including those with little or no previous HR experience, who wish to commence a career in human resources to progress within our Advisory roles.


  • The mean gender pay gap is 20.5%
  • The median gender pay gap is 18.2%
  • The mean gender bonus gap is 64.8%
  • The median gender bonus gap is 0%
  • The proportion of male employees receiving a bonus is 9.6%
  • The proportion of female employees receiving a bonus is 7%

The mean hourly rate is the average hourly wage across the entire organisation. The mean gender pay gap is a measure of the difference between women’s mean hourly wage and men’s mean hourly wage.

The median hourly rate is calculated by ranking all employees from the highest paid to the lowest paid, and taking the hourly wage of the person in the middle. The median gender pay gap is the difference between women’s median hourly wage (the middle-paid woman) and men’s median hourly wage (the middle-paid man).

Employees by pay band (percentages)

Pay quartiles are calculated by splitting all employees in an organisation into four even groups according to their level of pay. Looking at the proportion of women in each quartile gives an indication of women’s representation at different levels of the organisation.

Gender Lower quartile Lower middle quartile Upper middle quartile Upper quartile
Female 81.9 79.2 81.9 54.9
Male 18.1 20.8 18.1 45.1





I confirm that our data is accurate and has been calculated in accordance with the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.

Nick Bradley
Chief Executive Officer

*Source: People Management Magazine, September 2017.